Blog built by Jekyll on Github (tutorial for amateurs) 2
Having a blog page might bring fun but the work coming would be a total disaster. We need to build a environment that generates the whole static page locally. Today, we are going to talk about configuring Jekyll on Win 7. And last warning: never configure Jekyll on Windows…
Windows 7
- Ruby
- RubyGems
- NodeJS
- Jekyll
- Python 2.7
- Notepad++
- Pygments
- Git
- GitHub DeskTop
A quick example of generating a blog in the official documentation:
~ $ gem install jekyll
~ $ jekyll new myblog
~ $ cd myblog
~/myblog $ jekyll serve
# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000
That looks easy, however, on the circumstances that you have configured Jekyll succussfully.
Now let’s begin to install.
Here’s the list of environment required for installing Jekyll in the official documentation:
- Ruby(including development headers, Jekyll 2 > v1.9.3,Jekyll 3 > v2)
- RubyGems
- Linux, Un ix, or Mac OS X (Adviced)
- NodeJS (Or other JavaScript editors)。
- Python 2.7 (For pygments)
When it comes to details, you’ll find the list is way more longer and their versions count, and suck.
Ruby installation
- Download and install Ruby, DevKit and MSMY2. I install the latest version(2.5.1-1 x64) of Ruby, which may have problems but anyway it finally works.
Just, install as recommands and don’t ask me why…
After installing DevKit, you may need to set up the Devkit for Ruby.
- Open your command prompt (Win+R, enter CMD, enter)
Enter commands:
cd C:\DevKit ruby dk.rb init ## When I installed in win10, it appears information: ## [INFO] found RubyInstaller v2.5.1 at C:/Ruby25-x64 ## ## Initialization complete! Please review and modify the auto-generated ## 'config.yml' file to ensure it contains the root directories to all ## of the installed Rubies you want enhanced by the DevKit.
Edit config.yml in the Devkit folder and add
- C:\Ruby25-x64
(I used Notepad++, which you can install one for html editing) -
Then enter commands:
ruby dk.rb install ## When I installed in win10, it appears information: ## [INFO] Updating existing gem override for 'C:/Ruby25-x64' ## [INFO] Installing 'C:/Ruby25-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/devkit.rb'
“C:\DevKit” is where you install DevKit. “C:\Ruby25-x64” is where you install Ruby.
Rubygems installation
Download and install Rubygems in offcial way.
Check ruby installation. Open your command prompt.It comes out a version number, which means OK.
gem -v
Install rubygems.
gem install rubygems-update update_rubygems
Any erorr would appear between commands then Google is recommanded. You can ask in the comment bar and I would answer if I could.
Jekyll installation……?
Finally, install Jekyll, if you can.
gem install jekyll
Just don’t give it up easily when encountering any adversities. Problemshooting is an crucial ability you need everywhere. Again, you can turn to google, or me.
Github-pages installation
Need to install nokogiri for Windows
gem install nokogiri
Install bundler
gem install bundler
Install wdm and listen
gem install wdm gem install listen
Install ffi by force if necessary
gem install ffi -f
Change your work set to where your github repository clone is (See the end of last tutorial)and install github-page
d: cd d:\Github\
Create a file named “Gemfile” without any suffix(I use Notepad or Notepad++). Enter infomation blow and safe.
source '' gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
Install bundle
bundle install
Update it if necessary
bundle update
Final command to generate your static blog page
bundle exec jekyll serve
In fact, there are many forms of this commands:
jekyll s jekyll serve jekyll server bundle exec jekyll s bundle exec jekyll serve bundle exec jekyll server
They’re not exactly the same.
Now, you can enter
into your browser address bar to check your blog locally .
Push your blogs online
- Install git
- Open git bush and a little settings.
Change your work set to where your github repository clone is and push it to the github.
$ cd d:\ $ cd d:\Github\ $ git add . # or git a $ git commit -m "updated site" $ git push origin master
Also, you can operate the web locally to check the comtemporary web page(the same with command prompt):
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
into your browser address bar.
Now that you have the local repository and the tools to operate, you can try to change files locally.
Here comes the last step: write your own blog!
- Download MarkdownPad 2 and start to blog. Just save all the .md blog in the folder _post.
Markdown is the blog style used in this blog. Mardown edit softwares are listed: Window: MarkdownPad, MarkPad ISO: Mou, Drafts, Day One, iA Writer,Tublme Oline: Draftin,,, MaDe(Chrome plugin)
How about “Hello World!”
About the syntax of markdown, here recommamd the original one, and Chinese version
After every changes in your blog, operate bundle exec jekyll serve
and git push as described above or use GitHub DeskTop to push. Then, enter
into your browser address bar and see what happens!
Once again, when encountering any problems, you can turn to me or google. Here is some warm-hearted blogers I found, who gave instructions of some problems.
Thanks for reading!
Any questions are welcome. I’m a starter myself so feel free to ask!